Thursday, 31 May 2012
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Democracy Day: Critical Reflections by Nigerian Youths
Democracy Day: Critical Reflections by Nigerian Youths
Today, Tuesday, May 29, 2012 is DEMOCRACY DAY and a public holiday in Nigeria! An early morning national broadcast by Nigeria’s President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GEJ) highlighted the progress and results his administration has achieved in different sectors within the last twelve months.
The highpoint of the address is the detailed listing of specific milestones across sectors: education, health, agriculture, road construction, job creation, foreign policy and so forth. Electoral reforms got the greatest attention in the entire broadcast, showing how the current administration has gone “to great lengths to strengthen our democratic institutions, particularly the Independent National Electoral Commission”. Noting that the successful elections, last year, opened new vistas for Nigeria’s foreign policy more than ever before, GEJ reiterated that Nigeria’s achievements have generated a lot of international goodwill and recognition.
Nigeria’s mounting insecurity challenges got some light mention, with emphasis placed on the action taken to “investigate the causes and nature of 2011 electoral violence”. No allusion or reference was made to the Boko Haram insurgency and incessant bomb explosions that have resulted in massive civilian fatalities, job losses, displacement and economic downturn in northern Nigeria.
Through the broadcast, Nigerian
youths also learned about the steps forward made with regard to the Youth Enterprise with Innovation in
Nigeria Programme,(YOUWIN) designed to encourage entrepreneurship and provide
grants for small and medium scale enterprises. Over 1, 200 Nigerian youths have
benefitted from this initiative. To scale up that initiative, the government has
also launched the Public Works Women and Youth Empowerment Programme, which is
designed to employ 370, 000 youths per annum, with 30% of the jobs specially
reserved for women.
How did Nigerians react to the national broadcast? Has GEJ as he is popularly called, fulfilled his election promises made prior to the 2011 presidential elections? Are there flashes of progress that inspire an optimistic view of the remainder of his tenure as Nigeria’s president?
SPACES FOR CHANGE presents the unedited reactions of Nigerian youth from different ethnic groups and social backgrounds, as they express themselves in a no holds barred manner:
benchmarks for measuring how democratic a country is include, in the main,
strong, independent, effective and efficient institutions (including the
judiciary, legislature, police etc); open and transparent social space; probity
and accountability, popular participation, respect for human rights and rule of
law,as all of which confer legitimacy on the government. As we celebrate
'Democracy Day' today, let us look at these indices to determine if we are,
indeed, in a democracy or just on a journey to democracy. – Okechukwu
now produces power at her highest level EVER at almost 4.500 MWs and with the
completion of four turbines within the Papalanto-Sapele Power plant axis, this
figure is set to increase by year's end.
And they were not even ashamed to pen this? This is the
amount Dubai uses to power its airport?! Whatever happened in the last 12 years
with PDP at the helm all the way?? – Ndubuisi Victor Ogwuda
is thirteen years today since our famed return to democracy. Certainly, it has
meant blessings for some, but to many, a curse. It has been years of anomie, of
failed promises, of dashed hopes and of missed opportunities. It has been years
of blood and regrets, of massive destruction and minimal improvement.
Religiously, we have seen more churches and less
Christians; more mosques and more terrorists. It has been years of flagrant
looting and increased poverty. We have grown to a stage where more than 60% of
Nigerians live on less than 1$ a day, while the leaders live like medieval
kings – with enough to eat and waste. Politically, we have been so divided as
never before, by our politicians. Thus, the same people who fought 'away' IBB
and Abacha, can no longer agree on anything, including fighting the flagrant
rape by their successors. We are daily been divided by tribe, religion etc: and
we cannot fight the rot overtaking us.
Violence has long been enthroned and defended; while dialogue has taken a new toga, becoming a tool for empowering state known criminals. Corruption has been canonized that an individual could steal money enough for a country’s two year budget; and worse, there are many such individuals parading as leaders. The standard of our educations keeps declining, even as the cost of educating keeps skyrocketing: leaving most graduates unemployable, while making it difficult for the poor to be educated. Private universities mushroom, championed by religious men and women, while its extortionate fees show there is nothing religious about them. It has been thirteen years of pains and pangs, of blood and broodings, initiated by our politicians, spearheaded by the PDP and not unsupported by the political parties; against the country, against her people.
And so, let us not celebrate just the President’s one year of transformation - whatever that means - but our failed leaders at all levels - Federal, State,LG, family and individual levels- in this thirteen years: years eaten indeed 'by the locust'. In all these though, let us NEVER lose hope, Nigeria go survive! - Chukwudumebi Nobert
Thirteen tragic years of unrestrained looting and abuse of power. Thirteen
years of Chop-I-Chop politics, proudly powered by the Peoples Demonic Party,PDP.
From Mr Do Or Die to Mr Go Slow, and now to Mr No Shoe. Thirteen wasted years
of under-development and insecurity. Fellow Nigerians, welcome to National
Lootocracy Day! A Celebration Of Looting! - Chris Nwokocha
To continue to allude to a "rising" foreign reserve of 37.02 Billion Dollars, is not the progress Nigerians are yearning for. - Mamefe David Wanogho
I STILL IN NIGERIA? 9 New federal universities have been built since last year
and i never knew. Mr president would have helped me by mentioning their names
and the states. Four new International airport have been built since last year,
in Lagos, Abuja and two other states. I stay in Lagos and i use use Abuja and
lagos airport frequently but the only airport in know till Saturday last week
was MM1,MM2
in Lagos and the Only existing international wing in Abuja with the Local wing
which is being reconstructed. Everybody in Nigerian now buys local , cook local
and eat locally made cassava bread and Abakiliki rice except me. Please how
does it taste Nigerians? Nigeria has started assembling locomotives in every
state, yet I have not used the train one day in Nigeria. Youth unemployment has
been reduced by about 38% yet I have never been employed by anyone. – Jasper Azuatalam
Obahiagbon wrote: A celebration of democracy or a deprecable apotheosis of an
hemorrhaging plutocracy,cascading into a mobocracy with all the ossifying
proclivities of a kakistocracy?With our"democracy"enveloped in a
paraplegic crinkum-crankum ,we must all rise up to bring to focal hiceps and
biceps, Nigerias"Pluto-mobo-kak istocracy"....Certainly not democracy.
day, but the custodians of democracy are locked up in their palatial mansions,
after cancelling the formal parade, out of fear for their personal safety
despite budgetting a trillion for defence. - Mohammed Husain
Compatriots,i join you in the celebration of 13years of civil governance in the
country as we are yet to witness Civil Democratic Governance. However i am very
optimistic that very soon we shall get there & it shall remain permanent. Once
again,i say happy Civil Governance in Nigeria. - Gideon Musa Gajere
"After thirteen (13) years
of our democratic governance, there is still no way forward. The speed of our
nation towards backwardness is highly dissapointing. The government in power is
short of positive initiatives and reasonable ideas to move this coutry forward.
Right from day 1, the present administration hasn’t been enjoying peoples'
confidence. The rate of corruption increases on daily basis and the government is watching. The EFCC does not have
the power to prosecute the corrupt public officers without the approval of Mr.
President. The state governors have converted local governments and state
Houses of Assembly to an extension of their bedrooms, controlling them with
their funds in an unhealthy manner.
We lack good roads, basic health care, portable
water, employment opprtunities, food security and power. The present administration
has failed woefully on their responsility to protect the lives and properties
of Nigeria. Our stock market and the entire economy is less viable. Our
education system is nothing to write home about.
Come June 1, the National Electricity Regulatory
Commission would begin to implement the newly increased rate of power, thereby
causing more hardship to Nigerians. This I guess is President Jonathan's
Democrazy Day gift to all Nigerians. Apart from the continous existence of
Nigeria as one and payment of salaries to public servants, this government has
nothing to mark or celebrate today except failure in all aspect of human
endearvor. Is this how we would be for more 3 years to come? We really need
urgent divine intervention". - Abdullahi Abdullateef As-sudaisiy
is Democracy Day not "Goodluck Jonathan Day" and not "PDP
Day;" and there are more than 10,000 Elected Representatives in this
country today that were chosen from different Political Platforms; so Nigerians
should challenge each one of them on what have been doing to enhance this
Democracy. Nigerians should also remember how many lives and years we lost
while seeking this Democracy, let us not end it ourselves by our utterances and
actions that seem to portray each of us as "Enemies of the State" but
continue to seek all legitimate and responsible ways to develop it - Favour Babatope Afolabi
Fellow Nigerians,
1. One year ago, I
was privileged to stand before you, to take the oath of office as
President of our dear country, the third to serve you as President since
the return to democratic rule in 1999.
Today, I remember that day and
the processes leading to it with
profound gratitude to God Almighty and to all Nigerians who have worked
very hard to enrich our journey from military dictatorship to inclusive
democratic governance.
2. For the past 13 years, we have
remained a stable democracy. We have together demonstrated that the
government of the people is an ideal that the people of Nigeria cherish.
We have our differences as individuals and as politicians, but we have
shown great faith in democracy and its institutions. We have refused to
be limited by our differences. Despite reservations about some of our
institutions, we have refused to submit to despair. This achievement is a
testament to the courage and optimism of the Nigerian people.
3. As we celebrate this year’s
Democracy Day, I pay tribute to all the men and women who have made our
democratic experience meaningful: the ordinary people who resisted
military rule, and have remained resolute in their embrace of democracy;
the army of Nigerian voters who, at every election season, troop out in
large numbers to exercise their right of franchise; the change agents
in civil society who have remained ever watchful and vigilant.
4. I pay special tribute also to
all patriots who are the pillars of our collective journey, most
especially, our armed forces who have steadfastly subordinated
themselves to civil authority in the past 13 years. They have continued
to demonstrate a great sense of professionalism. They have discharged
their duties to the nation with honour and valour. In a sub-region that
has witnessed instances of political instability, authored by restless
soldiers, the Nigerian Armed Forces have remained professional in their
support of democracy.
5. When General Abdusalami
Abubakar handed over the baton of authority to President Olusegun
Obasanjo, in 1999, it was a turning point for Nigeria. We did not arrive
at that turning point by accident. Many Nigerians laid down their lives
for the transition to democracy to occur. Some were jailed. Media
houses were attacked and shut down. But the people’s resolve was firm
and unshakeable. This is what we remember. This is what we celebrate.
On this day, I recall especially the martyrdom of Chief M. K. O.
Abiola, whose presumed victory in the 1993 Presidential election, and
death, while in custody, proved to be the catalyst for the people’s
pro-democracy uprising. The greatest tribute that we can pay to him, and
other departed heroes of Nigeria’s democracy, is to ensure that we
continue to sustain and consolidate our democratic institutions and
processes, and keep Hope alive.
6. Let us individually and
collectively, continue to keep the spirit of this day alive. No task is
more important. We must continue to do well as a people and as a
democracy. We must remember where we are coming from, so we can
appreciate how far we have travelled.
7. When I assumed office as Acting
President, in 2010, on account of the health challenges suffered by
late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, there was so much anxiety in the
land. The tone of public debate was febrile. Some persons sought to use
the situation in the country to sow the seeds of discord. My primary
task at that time was to do all that was humanly possible to ensure
stability within the polity. With the support and commitment of
patriotic Nigerians from all walks of life, and the grace of the
Almighty God, we were able to do so.
8. On May 6, 2010, following
President Yar’Adua’s death, I assumed office as substantive President. I
subsequently presented myself as a candidate for the 2011 Presidential
elections, with a promise that under my watch, the elections would be
free, fair and credible. We kept faith with that promise. On May 29,
2011, I was sworn in as President, the fifth elected leader of Nigeria
since independence. The success of the 2011 elections and the
international acclaim that it generated was due to your patriotic zeal
and commitment. I will like to seize this opportunity to thank all
patriotic Nigerians who stood by us, and have remained unwavering in
their support. These Nigerians understand one thing: that we all have a
duty to protect and promote our country, and that this country belongs
to all of us. Electoral contest is about values. We must not lose sight
of those values that strengthen us as a people. As long as I am
President, I will do my utmost to continue to work hard in pursuit of
the common good.
9. There are challenges, yes, but
we are working hard to address those challenges. And, by God’s grace, we
will succeed. My confidence is bolstered by the results which we have
achieved in different sectors within the last twelve months.
10. Our democracy is
stable. Its foundation is strong and firm. Its future is bright. Last
year, I had spoken about the policy of “one man one vote, one woman, one
vote, one youth, one vote”. I am glad to see that the Nigerian people
in all elections have continued to respect the principle of fair play.
Since this administration came into office, we have gone to great
lengths to strengthen our democratic institutions, particularly the
Independent National Electoral Commission. There are still persons who
believe that elections should be violent and unhealthy, but they are in
the minority. They will not derail our democracy because the majority of
Nigerians will not allow them to do so.
11. Following the
spate of violence, in some parts of the country, after the 2011
elections, our administration set up a committee on post-election
violence to among other things, investigate the causes and nature of
electoral violence and make appropriate recommendations. We will be
guided by the White Paper, on that committee’s report, in dealing more
firmly with electoral violence and fraud. This will include the
establishment of Electoral Offences Tribunals to deal speedily with
established cases of electoral violence. We cannot afford to treat the
success we have recorded with our democratic experience with levity.
Electoral reform is central to our administration’s transformation
agenda. I urge all political parties to embrace this reform.
12. Our successful
elections, last year, opened new vistas for Nigeria’s foreign policy.
More than ever before, Nigeria’s achievements have generated a lot of
international goodwill and recognition. We have continued to build on
this by further showing leadership in the sub-region and the African
continent. Under my watch as Chairman of the sub-regional body, ECOWAS,
and subsequently, Nigeria was in the forefront of the efforts to ensure
democratic stability in Niger, Mali, Guinea Bissau, and particularly at a
critical moment in Cote d’Ivoire. Our foreign policy process has proven
to be dynamic and pro-active. Nigeria’s place is secure among many
friends in the comity of nations. We are building on that friendship to
open up opportunities for foreign investments in the Nigerian economy
and to provide necessary support for the vibrant community of Nigerians
in the Diaspora.
13. We will continue
to work hard, to turn domestic successes into a source of motivation for
greater achievements in the international arena. We are fully aware
that it is only when our people are happy and confident that they would
be in a good position to walk tall in relating with others.
14. Today, I want to
talk about what we are doing and what we have done. I want to reassure
you that we are making progress. But we can also do a lot more. We must.
And we will.
15. Our economic
outlook is positive. When I assumed office last year, there were still
fears about the impact of the global economic recession, and
implications for investments. Many Nigerians were worried about the
growing rate of unemployment. In order to set Nigeria on a sound and
sustainable path toward economic growth, this administration unveiled a
set of priority policies, programmes, and projects encapsulated in the
Transformation Agenda. These programmes and policies are aimed at
consolidating our budget, fostering job creation, engendering private
sector-led inclusive growth, and creating an enabling environment for
businesses to thrive for the ultimate betterment of the lives of
16. Today, progress
has been made. The country’s credit rating is positive, in contrast with
many nations being downgraded. In 2011, our economy grew by 7.45%. As
at mid-May 2012, our foreign exchange reserves had risen to $37.02
billion, the highest level in 21 months. We have stabilized and improved
our fiscal regime. We brought the fiscal deficit down to 2. 85% of GDP
from 2.9% in 2011. We reduced recurrent expenditures from 74% to 71% and
reduced domestic borrowing from N852 billion in 2011 to N744 billion in
2012. We cut out over N100 billion of non-essential expenditure and
increased our internally generated revenue from N200 billion to N467
17. For the first
time in over a decade, we now have a draft Trade Policy which provides a
multi-dimensional framework to boost our trade regime and facilitate
the inflow of investments. We have generated over N6. 6 trillion worth
of investment commitments. The total value of our trade is also much
higher than the value estimated the previous year due to deliberate
government policies. To facilitate the ease of doing business in
Nigeria, we have a policy in place to make visa procurement easier for
foreign investors, with safeguards to prevent abuse.
18. The goal of
our administration is to ensure that every Nigerian can find gainful
employment. Given my dissatisfaction with the prevailing unemployment
situation in the country, our administration has embarked on an
ambitious strategy of creating jobs and job-creators through the launch
of several initiatives mainly targeted at the youths and women.
19. In October 2011,
we launched the Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria Programme,
designed to encourage entrepreneurship and provide grants for small and
medium scale enterprises. Over 1, 200 Nigerian youths have benefitted
from this initiative. We have also launched the Public Works Women and
Youth Empowerment Programme, which is designed to employ 370, 000 youths
per annum, with 30% of the jobs specially reserved for women. Let me
make it clear here that our YouWIN programme is designed to nurture and
mentor young entrepreneurs to become major players, employers and wealth
creators in business.
20. We are gradually
reducing the footprints of government in business activities through
privatization, liberalization and deregulation based on our recognition
that the private sector should be the engine of growth in our economy.
To ensure that the private sector is well positioned for this task, our
administration has embarked on key structural reforms in the Power
Sector and at the Ports.
21. To improve
reliable power supply, our administration is judiciously implementing
the Power Sector Roadmap, which is at an advanced stage, to fully
privatize power generation and distribution while reducing the cost of
electricity to rural households and the urban poor.
22. The commitment of
this Administration to the provision of regular and uninterrupted power
supply remains strong and unwavering. We all agree that adequate and
regular power supply will be the significant trigger to enhance this
nation’s productive capacity and accelerate growth. It is for this
reason that I remain optimistic that the reforms we have initiated, the
decisions we have taken so far and the plans we intend to faithfully
prosecute will yield the desired results.
23. To underline this
commitment, three weeks ago, I convened a special session on Power and
gave specific instructions on the fast tracking of gas production and
delivery to ensure improved availability of power. I also directed
that the power sector reforms must continue on schedule and that
privatization of the sector must be completed according to plan.
24. Our approach is
two-pronged: First, is the immediate repair of power plants, as well as
transmission and distribution infrastructure in the short term. The
second is the building of institutions and the provision of enablers to
attract investors. We have revived and are accelerating the completion
of the National Integrated Power Projects. We are also building about
4000km of transmission lines and hundreds of substations. We have
completed the design for the construction of both Mambilla and Zungeru
Hydro power plants which will add about 3, 000 MW to the national grid.
25. By mid 2010, the
national power output was about 2, 800 MW. By the end of 2011, we
reached a peak of more than 4, 000 MW. A National Gas Emergency Plan has
also been launched to redress the problem of gas supply which arose
essentially due to poor planning.
26. For long-term
power availability, we have strengthened a number of key institutions
such as the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, the Bulk Trader,
the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria, and others. We are
also working with the World Bank to provide guarantees for gas and power
providers. The signing of MOUs with World Leaders in power equipment –
General Electric of USA and Siemens of Germany as well as US and China
Exim Banks for financial investment, is a clear indication of the level
of confidence which the world investment community has in our power
sector road map.
27. In addition, the
privatisation programme has attracted expression of interest from 131
companies across the globe. Our decision to bring in the private sector
is clearly intended to achieve our target of generating and
distributing sufficient and reliable power within the shortest time
possible. With the measures we have put in place, we will surely
achieve success in transforming the power sector.
28. We have also
focused our efforts on Ports and Customs reforms to ensure efficiency in
the handling of ports and port-related businesses. Our administration
has streamlined bureaucratic activities at the Ports by reducing the
number of agencies from 14 to 7. We have also reduced the time for the
clearance of goods from about a month, to seven days, with the long-term
objective of ensuring that cargoes are cleared within 48 hours in line
with international best practice. In the meantime, our ports, for the
first time, now open for business for 24 hours.
29. In the Oil and
Gas Sector, our Administration has charted a new course that will ensure
enduring transparency and accountability. We are re-drafting the
Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) to ensure it meets the aspirations of all
Stakeholders given the current realities and future expectations in the
global energy landscape. Work on the PIB will be concluded in June 2012
and formally submitted to the National Assembly. Additionally, Special
Task Forces dealing with Governance and Control, Petroleum Revenue and
National refineries are finalizing their work to ensure probity across
the oil and gas sector, and self-sufficiency in refined petroleum
30. In the Downstream
Sector, the Nigerian Content Development Act, since inception in 2010,
has boosted the local production of line pipes, in-country fabrication
tonnage and engineering support services. As a result, retained
in-country spend has grown from approximately US $1bn to a current
estimate of US$4bn, and over US$3 billion Foreign Direct Investment has
been brought in for upgrading and building new yards, altogether
generating over 120,000 direct and indirect jobs.
31. Capacity
utilization of existing domestic refineries has greatly improved from 30
to 60 percent. We have commenced the phased plan to return the
refineries to 90 percent capacity utilization with the expected
completion of the rehabilitation of Port Harcourt refinery by the end of
2012, to be followed by Warri and Kaduna refineries in 2013.
32. In the Upstream
Sector, the April 2012 commissioning of the Usan Deep Offshore Field has
increased crude oil production capacity by 180 thousand barrels per
day. Also, Government continues to support the National Oil Company,
NPDC, by assigning 55% equity in 8 divested blocks which has resulted in
increase in reserves from 350 million barrels to 2.1 billion barrels
and 160, 000 barrels of production. We have also made significant
progress in gas infrastructure development, investing close to US$1bn
for the construction of some 1000 km of pipelines, gas supply growth and
stimulation of gas industrialization. Between now and the third
quarter of 2013, Final Investment Decisions (FIDs) will be made on
gas-based industries, such as the petrochemicals and fertilizer plants
at Koko, the Central Processing Units (CPF) in Obiafu/Obrikom, and the
gas growth projects. Also, the sum of N11 billion is provided in the
2012 Budget for Hydro-Carbon exploration in the Lake Chad Basin.
33. The Gas
Revolution initiative will fully support and sustain domestic power,
whilst creating Africa’s largest gas based industrial park, which on
completion will underpin the creation of over a million jobs and attract
over US$16 billion in Foreign Direct Investment. To protect the gains
of these initiatives for all Nigerians, we are aggressively addressing
the increasing incidents of crude oil theft and other criminal
activities in the sector.
34. As a deliberate
move, our goal is to transform Nigeria from a mono-modal economy, to a
diversified one. The sector that we are focusing on to diversify our
economy – and one in which Nigeria has huge comparative advantage - is
the agriculture sector. Agriculture accounts for about 40% of our GDP
and over 70% of all employment. Increases in agricultural productivity
will drive down rural poverty and revive our rural economy.
35. In this regard,
we are aggressively pursuing an agricultural transformation agenda.
Agriculture is no longer a development programme. We are now treating
agriculture as a business, one that can generate wealth and create jobs
for millions of our youths.
36. We have
implemented major reforms in the sector, notably in the fertilizer
sub-sector. We have ended the practice of Federal Government procurement
and distribution of fertilizers. This we did because only 11% of
farmers get the fertilizers that are bought and distributed by
government. The old system encouraged rent seekers to collude and
deprive farmers of access to fertilizers, while some of the fertilizers
ended up with political farmers and in neighbouring countries.
37. Now, the
procurement and commercialization of fertilizers and seeds have been
fully deregulated to the private sector. We have ended the culture of
corruption in fertilizer procurement. We must also end the era of food
imports. Nigeria spends over 10 billion dollars every year importing
wheat, rice, sugar and fish alone. This is unacceptable.
38. Our agricultural
transformation agenda is directed at promoting local production,
substituting for imported foods, and adding value to our locally
produced crops. We are recording successes already. Government’s policy
to ensure rice self-sufficiency by 2015 is already paying off. New rice
mills are being established by the private sector to mill locally
produced rice. Ebony Agro Industries located in Ikwo Local Government
Area of Ebonyi State has rolled out its high quality parboiled rice. In
Kano, Umza rice mill has taken off and can hardly meet demand, while in
Benue State Ashi rice has hit the market. Consumers are buying more of
Abakaliki and Ofada rice too.
39. To further
accelerate the local production and milling of high quality rice,
government is facilitating the import and installation of 100 new large
scale integrated rice mills across the country. This will allow Nigeria,
for the first time in its history, to have the capacity to mill all of
the rice that we consume.
40. Our cassava
policy is working, as we accelerate the pace of utilization of cassava
to create markets for millions of our farmers. Our goal is a bold one:
we will make Nigeria, which is the largest producer of cassava in the
world, to also become the largest processor of high value cassava
products in the world.
41. To further
encourage cassava utilization and value-added products, government will
support corporate bakers and master bakers across the country to use
high quality cassava flour for baking. Last year I announced an increase
in tariff and levy on wheat. To encourage the cassava flour inclusion
policy, I now direct that part of the levy and tariff on wheat be set
aside to support the promotion of high quality cassava flour and
composite cassava bread. This will include support for needed enzymes,
technical training and equipment for corporate bakers and master bakers,
as well as accelerated cassava production.
42. We have also
secured markets for cassava outside Nigeria, and for the first time
ever, Nigeria will export this year 1 million metric tons of dried
cassava chips to China. This will earn Nigeria 136 million US dollars in
foreign exchange. Last week we also successfully started the commercial
use of feed grade cassava grits, produced locally, for use in our
poultry industry.
43. We are reviving
our lost glory in cocoa, with massive distribution of 3.6 million pods
of high-yielding cocoa varieties for farmers all across the cocoa
growing states of the country. The pods will be provided free of charge.
We are reviving cotton production in the North, as well. I have
directed that all seeds for cotton should be provided, free of charge,
to all cotton farmers.
44. Let me reiterate
my personal passion and commitment to driving the agricultural
transformation for Nigeria. The prosperity of Nigeria must start with
improving the living standards of our farmers, and revitalizing rural
economies across the nation. The newly inaugurated Agricultural
Transformation Implementation Council, which I personally Chair, will
further drive our continued revolution of the sector. Our goal is to add
20 million metric tons of food to our domestic food supply by 2015 and
create 3.5 million jobs. To achieve this, the appropriate infrastructure
to support all-year round farming through irrigation is being
rehabilitated and developed across the country.
45. We must use our
population to create markets for what we produce. We must grow local,
buy local and eat local. To promote this, I have directed that all
official functions of government serve local foods, especially our local
rice and cassava bread and other foods. In the State House, I am
faithfully keeping to my promise of eating cassava bread and local rice.
46. Our
administration is committed to the rapid and beneficial development of
our country’s Minerals and metals potential. In the last year, we
recorded remarkable achievements in Mines and Steel Development. We
increased the number of investors in the mining sector due to the
transparent manner in which titles are now issued on a “first come-first
served and use it or lose it basis.” A total of 2,476 active mineral
titles were issued compared to 666 titles issued out in the previous
year, thereby reducing, significantly, illegal mining activities. About
350, 000 additional jobs were created, arising from the activities of
newly registered operators. We have initiated a programme to support
private steel production outfits. This has resulted in an increase in
production figures for steel and other metals to over 1 million tonnes.
47. It is our
collective desire as Nigerians to improve the standard of education. We
are particularly aggressive in addressing this challenge. As a former
school teacher, I know that it is not enough to create jobs; we must
develop human capacity, and train a generation of Nigerian children with
better competencies and skills. This will grant them the edge that they
require to compete in a skills-driven global economy, and by extension,
strengthen our national competitiveness index.
48. I want every
Nigerian child to have an opportunity to receive quality education and
acquire useful skills. We are reforming the education sector from basic
to tertiary level. The Federal Government recently launched the Almajiri
Education Programme to reduce the number of out-of-school children
which currently stands at about 9 million. Similar programmes will soon
be introduced in various parts of the country. At the tertiary level, it
is the policy of this administration that every State will have a
Federal University.
49. To this end, we
have established within the last year, nine (9) new Federal Universities
and licensed nine (9) new private universities, bringing the total
number of universities in the country to 124. Even with this, there is
still the challenge of getting adequate admission space for prospective
undergraduates. While we are addressing this, the Federal Government is
also conscious of the fact that our universities need to be better
equipped, particularly with well trained teachers. Government is,
therefore, working on a programme to provide scholarships for Nigerians
who are interested in academics, to enable them obtain their Doctorate
degrees within and outside the country.
50. In addition, the
Federal Government has launched a Special Presidential Scholarship
Scheme for our best and brightest brains. We are selecting the best out
of our First Class graduates in various disciplines, especially
engineering and science. They will be sent for post-graduate studies in
the best universities in the world, with the expectation that this will
lay the foundation for a desirable scientific and technological
revolution that will take Nigeria into Space in the not too distant
51. One of the first
steps taken by this administration was the creation of a Ministry of
Communications Technology. Its mandate includes the design of programmes
and initiatives to deploy ICT as a driver of sustainable growth and the
training of skilled manpower. For our country to remain relevant, we
need to adequately educate our people, as it is through education that
we can turn our people into assets that can help Nigeria compete
globally, and create jobs in the new knowledge economy.
52. By the same
token, the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs is providing training
opportunities for the youths in the Niger Delta. In the past year, a
total of 704 youths have been sent for training, abroad and locally, in
various fields of endeavour, including agriculture, petroleum
engineering, commerce, tourism, and maritime studies. Nine skills
centres are being built, one in each of the nine states of the Niger
Delta; three of them will be completed this year.
53. An efficient and
affordable public transport system remains a priority of this
Administration. Our transformation agenda in the road sector which seeks
to deliver better and safer roads to Nigerians, as well as to link the
six geo-political zones in the country with dual carriageways, is very
much on course. There has been increased construction activities in the
ongoing dualisation of Abuja–Abaji–Lokoja Road, Kano–Potiskum–Maiduguri
Road; the Benin–Ore–Shagamu Expressway; the Onitsha–Enugu Expressway;
and the construction of the Loko–Oweto bridge, across River Benue.
54. Work has been
slow on the East-West road due to budgetary constraints, but government
will discharge all liabilities to contractors before the end of June,
and funds for the remaining part of the year, will be provided to
accelerate the pace of work. In other parts of the country, about 21
other road projects are in different stages of completion. These include
the Yola–Numan road, Aba–Owerri road, Owerri–Onitsha expressway,
Oyo–Ogbomosho old road, and the Gombe-Potiskum road. Many others are at
different stages of completion.
55. Government is
also currently rehabilitating about 3,000 kms out of the 3,505 km
existing narrow gauge rail lines across the country. The Lagos-Kano
corridor will be completed this year, while the Port Harcourt-Maiduguri
corridor, which has equally commenced, will be completed by the end of
2013. We have also commenced the construction of the Abuja–Kaduna
segment of the Lagos–Kano standard gauge rail lines, while the
Lagos–Ibadan segment will be awarded this year. The
Itakpe–Ajaokuta–Warri standard gauge rail line is nearing completion
with the entire tracks completely laid.
56. To enhance
sustainability in the rail sector, this Administration has signed a
Memorandum of Understanding with General Electric (GE) to establish a
locomotive assembly plant in the country. Our goal is to make Nigeria a
major hub in West and Central Africa.
57. Within the last
12 months, we completed the capital dredging of the Lower River Niger
from Warri (Delta State) to Baro (Niger State) to boost our inland water
transportation. This year, work will commence on the dredging of the
River Benue in addition to the construction of River Ports at Baro
(Niger State), Oguta (Imo State), and Jamata/Lokoja, (Kogi State). The
Onitsha River Port in Anambra State, equipped with modern cargo handling
equipment, has been completed and I shall be commissioning the project
in the next few weeks.
58. The Aviation
sector remains pivotal to our economic growth. Within the last year, we
have developed a road map for the restoration of decaying facilities and
infrastructure, some of which had not been attended to since they were
first constructed over 30 years ago. Currently, we are renovating
airports across the country and have begun the development of four new
international terminals at Lagos, Port Harcourt, Kano and Abuja. We
have also reviewed our Bilateral Air Service Agreements to ensure
improved service delivery, and more customer-friendly processes. We are
working to ensure that within the life of this Administration, the
aviation sector in Nigeria will be transformed into a world class and
self-sustaining provider of safe, secure and comfortable air
59. Globally, the
role of women in governance has assumed great significance. In Nigeria,
it is also widely acknowledged that women who constitute about half of
the Nigerian population are great and invaluable assets, in both the
public and private spheres. On our part, we have demonstrated serious
commitment in further empowering women and projecting their role in
public life. Out of the 42 members of the Federal Executive Council, 13
are women, heading major Ministries of Government.
60. Last week, I
appointed the first female Chairman of the Federal Civil Service
Commission. In the Armed Forces, female cadets have been admitted into
the prestigious Nigerian Defence Academy, an institution that was
hitherto an exclusive preserve of men. The first set will graduate in
2016. This year, we reached a significant milestone as the Nigerian Air
Force produced the first Nigerian female combatant pilot. Our
administration will continue to empower women and the girl-child as a
focal point of our Transformation Agenda.
61. More than
anything else, health matters. We are upgrading the country’s tertiary
health facilities to bring them up to international standards. We have
increased funding for health-related MDGs. We are also committed to
reducing maternal and infant mortality, and to eradicating polio
completely by 2014.
62. I want to
reassure all Nigerians that this administration remains committed to
waging a sustained battle against the menace of corruption. In the last
one year, we have taken specific steps to reduce opportunities and
avenues for corruption, and to strengthen the capacity and integrity of
our institutions. For example, our ports reform programme has reduced
the number of agencies at the ports which hitherto frustrated the speedy
clearance of goods at the ports. We have also cleared the stretch of
trailers and lorries blocking the Apapa Expressway. We have put an end
to the fertilizer and tractor scam that once dominated the agricultural
sector. Our review of the pension payment system has also blown the
whistle on corrupt practices which are now being addressed.
63. Within the last
one year, we set up a committee to identify leakages and waste in the
Ministries, Departments and Agencies. I am confident that the
implementation of the recommendations of that committee will help to
eliminate corruption channels within the system, and improve the
efficiency of the public service. In January, we announced a policy of
deregulation in the downstream sector, but this was misunderstood by
naysayers and reduced narrowly to a fuel subsidy removal initiative,
whereas the policy was designed to completely eliminate the grand
corruption in the downstream sector, and create the necessary incentives
for private sector investment.
64. We have
strengthened the leadership of the Economic and Financial Crimes
Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission
(ICPC). Both agencies are being re-positioned for more effective service
delivery. We will continue to strengthen the law enforcement and
anti-corruption agencies for optimal performance. We will also need the
support of our courts. The courts have to do more.
65. Terrorism, a new
menace, totally alien to our way of life and culture, has reared its
head and is posing a serious challenge. My thoughts and prayers go to
the victims of the terrorist attacks, and their families.
66. As President, it
is my solemn duty to defend the Constitution of this country. That
includes the obligation to protect life and property. We are doing
everything possible to check the menace of terrorism. In this regard,
we are determined to review some of the existing laws, to further
strengthen the national counter-terrorism strategy. Coordinated joint
action among our security agencies has now assumed greater importance.
We have developed a new security architecture to strengthen the
security environment.
67. I wish to
reassure every Nigerian that we will confront this threat against our
collective peace and security, and bring the perpetrators to justice. We
will confront the few misguided persons who falsely believe, that
through violence, they can impose their agenda of hate and division on
this nation of good people. We must confront all those who think they
can derail us by engaging in indiscriminate violence and mass murder,
perpetrated in places of worship, in markets and public places, against
the media, and security personnel. Nigeria is a nation of resilient
people. We will never yield to the forces of darkness. Nigeria will
never, ever, disintegrate.
68. Let me end this
address at the point where I began. What matters most to all of us, is
Nigeria. It is what binds us together. We have a duty to be loyal to our
country. If we believe this to be a sacred obligation, it will not
matter whether we are Christians or Muslims, or politicians,
irrespective of political parties or divide. It really will not matter
whether we are civil society agents, social activists or union leaders.
What matters is Nigeria. This nation exists because we are one. We
must, therefore, remain as one family, and work together to defend our
69. Within two years,
it would be exactly 100 years since the Northern and Southern
protectorates were amalgamated and Nigeria was born. We need a lot more
introspection, even as we look forward. We must take steps to heal the
wounds of the past and work together, as a people with a shared destiny
under one flag. We must strengthen our collective memory, draw strength
from our history, and build bridges of unity to take our country to
greater heights.
70. This is what we
should do. And we must. As a starting point, we must draw strength from
our history and work to ensure that the labour of our heroes past is not
in vain. It is partly for this and other reasons, that I have directed,
as part of the activities marking today’s Democracy Day, that all due
processes should be initiated for the building of a Presidential Museum
in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory. This Museum will document the
lives and times of Nigeria’s Presidents and Heads of Government since
1960, and remind us, by extension, of the high points of our national
71. It is also in
this regard that the Federal Government has decided that late Chief
M.K.O. Abiola be honoured, for making the ultimate sacrifice in the
pursuit of justice and truth. Destiny and circumstances conspired to
place upon his shoulders a historic burden, and he rose to the occasion
with character and courage. He deserves recognition for his martyrdom,
and public-spiritedness and for being the man of history that he was.
We need in our land, more men and women who will stand up to defend
their beliefs, and whose example will further enrich our democracy.
After very careful consideration, and in honour of Chief M.K.O. Abiola’s
accomplishments and heroism, on this Democracy Day, the University of
Lagos, is renamed by the Federal Government of Nigeria, Moshood Abiola
University, Lagos. The Federal Government will also establish an
Institute of Democratic Studies and Governance in the University.
72. Thank you.
73. God bless you.
74. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR
President, Federal Republic of Nigeria
Friday, 25 May 2012
SPACES FOR CHANGE’s executive director, Ms. Victoria Ibezim-Ohaeri delivered
the lead paper at a workshop exposing the worsening climatic conditions and negative
impacts of the World Bank-financed Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline and the West Africa Gas
Pipelines (WAGP) projects. The
workshop, organized by Friends of the Earth Nigeria, Togo, Ghana in partnership
with Friends of the Earth International brought together Friends of the
Earth’s senior legal officers and researchers from Togo, Ghana, Nigeria;
representatives of project-affected communities from Togo, Ghana, and Nigeria;
civil society leaders, concerned environmentalists and the media to explore
strategies for assisting
project-affected countries and communities to assert and defend their economic, social and cultural rights.
Her paper, “Protecting Communities Affected by WB-financed Initiatives through Litigation” developed an advocacy and litigation strategy for engaging the World Bank and its investors whose handling of the project has caused arbitrary land takings, heritage losses, biodiversity, pollution, outbreak of communicable diseases, high unemployment rates, mass eviction, food insecurity, and loss of livelihoods. Litigation option is considered as a major response to the gross social and economic rights violations exposed in the Friends of the Earth International’s recent report, Broken Promises: Gender Impacts of the World Bank-Financed West-African and Chad-Cameroon Pipelines. Jointly owned by Exxon/Mobil, Petronas Malaysia and Chevron, the 6.7- billion-dollar, 650-mile pipeline, which carries crude from the oilfields of land-locked Chad to a shipping facility off Cameroon's coast, was made possible by World Bank loans amounting to 337.6 million dollars.
Extensive research shows how the projects have undermined the rights and livelihoods of entire communities, and placed disproportionate burden on women, young girls, children and the youth. The authors chided the Bank and its investors for “pandering to the patriarchal tendencies of certain communities where their projects – especially resource-extraction projects – are implemented”.
Her paper, “Protecting Communities Affected by WB-financed Initiatives through Litigation” developed an advocacy and litigation strategy for engaging the World Bank and its investors whose handling of the project has caused arbitrary land takings, heritage losses, biodiversity, pollution, outbreak of communicable diseases, high unemployment rates, mass eviction, food insecurity, and loss of livelihoods. Litigation option is considered as a major response to the gross social and economic rights violations exposed in the Friends of the Earth International’s recent report, Broken Promises: Gender Impacts of the World Bank-Financed West-African and Chad-Cameroon Pipelines. Jointly owned by Exxon/Mobil, Petronas Malaysia and Chevron, the 6.7- billion-dollar, 650-mile pipeline, which carries crude from the oilfields of land-locked Chad to a shipping facility off Cameroon's coast, was made possible by World Bank loans amounting to 337.6 million dollars.
Extensive research shows how the projects have undermined the rights and livelihoods of entire communities, and placed disproportionate burden on women, young girls, children and the youth. The authors chided the Bank and its investors for “pandering to the patriarchal tendencies of certain communities where their projects – especially resource-extraction projects – are implemented”.

From that discussion about applicable standards, mechanisms, and
procedures, she highlighted the different challenges that both communities and their
legal representative may face in a high-profile litigation of this nature,
using her experiences gained from nearly a decade of direct involvement and
engagement in several complex development initiatives involving oil multinationals,
Chinese Consortiums, state and federal governments in Nigeria and Africa.
As part of its
broader efforts to build support for human rights-centered responses to the prevalence
of development-based displacements and the accompanying social and economic
rights deprivations, SPACES FOR CHANGE will continue to interrogate the
rhetoric and empty promises such as “employment generation, infrastructural
development and fair compensation” of multi-billion dollar investments in
Africa, which the WAGP project represents.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
By John Ogunlela
I reacted almost like everyone else when I read about Buhari's speech. A little later, however, I read the whole story and that he spoke his native language in employing a well-understood figure of speech. O, that takes issues somewhere else, friends. I might tell you in Yoruba, "Oju aja n' ṣẹjẹ". Flip that over into English, what do you get, even with the best of intentions?
"The dog is shedding tears of blood", or "The
dog is bleeding from the eyes".
But wait a minute and don't pack nerves,
this gory expression should really be translated, with linguistic
fidelity: "He's running quite a gauntlet" in the toughest form or, "He's
taking some heat", (intermediate) or, "He's facing quite some
difficulties" in the plainest form. But certainly, the expression NEVER
has anything to do with both the animal and the body part mentioned. It
NEVER has to mean I'm referring to the guy as a dog in the derogatory sense or
that he needs an ophthalmologist to cure him of a strange ailment. But
if the King at that period was hospitalized for an eye problem and I've
been suspected of not being his fan, my words can morph into anything
once it hits the thin air of the ears of English language speakers,
especially the ones not my fans either.
I'm not afraid someone might
accuse me of being academic now. The reason they sent us to school is
precisely so we wont reason in the most ordinary manner. That we will
reason with some skills and sophistication so that we will have better
outcomes in our relationships. What the man said in a Hausa idiom did
not mean bloodshed to the speaker and DID NOT CONVEY A CALL TO VIOLENCE
2. The presidency is the most politically sacred
institution in any country and it is a smooth link from the past into the
future. The way the presidency handled this matter is woeful as it
deliberately opened a former president up to public ridicule and divided
the citizens so sharply along ethnic lines. And I am very crestfallen
that the presidency will put petty party politics before nation building
and leadership. I have read many opinions since the incident that read
pretty much like what oozed out of the state house: off-handed,
predictable, easy-going and without that conciliatory tone that must set
a leader apart. I can't believe a former president will be cleaved up by
the serving president to be railed at, vilified and washed down by the
public. In dishonouring a former leader of the nation, this government
dishonours itself and makes the presidency look trite. It is a presidency
of very, very ordinary people, friends.
President Jonathan missed a
leadership moment: an opportunity to be gracious, fatherly and to tower
above common squabbles and ordinary perceptions. He should have made a
staged but seemingly off-the-cuff comment to correspondents at the
airport denouncing election rigging (affirming a former president) and
then assuring on his commitment to a better and peaceful future for the
country. He could use words to precise effects such that this debates
would have been smothered before they began. But look at what a whole
presidency was saying!
3. You get a better grasp of the situation if you
reflect on the mood in the South West(SW) under the much regarded Obafemi Awolowo.
Better still if you lived in the SW that period. Get the nuances? I
think most of us underestimate Buhari's popularity in the north and the
perception of his supporters, within the context of election rigging and
that perception. It is costly error in political leadership to make that
mistake and one that can cost the nation a great deal.
4. Buhari has
not been linked to any of this violence by the security organs. That
means something.
5. The atrocities of Boko Haram is being unconsciously
connected to northern leaders in most southern minds. I can't blame the
people for that one bit. Suicide bombing, opening of machine gun fire inside crowded churches is
a very sordid thing indeed and you can only commend Christians for
being restrained. But long as we are interested in keeping Nigeria
united, we have to do a bit more. And we must start by trying to see
through the fog of war(an idiom please, and one that does not mean I
hint that we are at war for that matter!) and not allowing our judgement
to be clouded by easy hate.
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