A hero demonstrates courage in the face of adversity; overcomes obstacles for the benefit of others, even at great risk to self.  Contemporary literature is replete with fine examples of globally-revered heroes such as Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Princess Diana, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jimmy Carter, Mother Teresa, Aung San Suu Kyi and Barack Obama. What all these great men and women have in common is that they embraced obstacles as opportunities for the betterment of humanity; they launched initiatives promoting global peace; they stood strong for those unable to speak for themselves, and they  also celebrated diversity for the enrichment of mankind. Some of them died pursuing good causes they believed in.

Are there exemplary heroes (dead and alive) with proven integrity in Nigeria? Certainly YES! So many unsung heroes abound in Nigeria, and perhaps, do not have opportunities to tell their stories. Untold stories translate to unshared experiences, unlearned lessons and buried inspiration needed to raise a new generation of Nigerian leaders who can demonstrate respect for self and their fellow humans; promote peace, chastity and human dignity; and build work ethics that reward hardwork, diligence and quality. 

Here are the heroes we found!


Chioma Obikel Nwosu, a 23 year old, 400 level student of medicine at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Anambra State was shot dead by armed robbers after she resisted rape on Friday August 31, 2012. In an  era where moral values are derided, late Chioma would rather lose her life than compromise her self dignity.

Even in death, Chioma is a hero of virtue. She has been buried in her home town. May her soul rest in peace...Amen

 R. I. P

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